
There are over 70 sports, arts and service clubs that welcome new members of all ages and add to the quality of community life. 

Club or Organization

Contact Person

Addiction Services

228-2666 ext 350

Agricultural Society

Joan Sperle, 228-2758

Alcoholics Anonymous (Phoenix AA Group)

Meetings on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
204A Main Street

Baptist Church

Sunday 10:30 a.m., 228-2156

Catholic Church, St. Peter's

Sunday 11:00 a.m., 228-2341

Chamber of Commerce

Helena Long, 228-2267

Cancer Support Group

Carole Sego, 228-3981
Evelyn Weeks, 228-2471

Citizens on Patrol (COP Program)

Contact RCMP, 228-6300

Community Resource Centre

Heather Quiring, 228-4042

Curling Club

Glen Heitt, 228-2441

Donor's Choice

Eileen Sword, 228-7580

Ducks Unlimited

Bill Fraser, 228-3188

Elks Club

Ron Swarbrick, 228-3263

Fire Department

Leroy Timmermans, 210-8858

Firearms Association

Keven Mark, 228-3052

Flying Club

Bob Smith, 228-8031

Golf Club

Dale Robertson, 228-3688

Healthcare Auxiliary

Bea Stephenson, 228-2494

KC Rescue


Knights of Columbus

Dan Wilgenbush, 228-2928

Kin Club

Breanna Elder, 210-8600

Lions Club

Stan Moncrieff, 228-3417

Lutheran Church

Sunday 9:30 a.m., 228-2280

Lutheran Ladies

Betty Hepting, 228-2391

Masonic Lodge

Bob Cumming, 228-2045

Miners Hockey Club

Brian Woytiuk, 228-2677

Jake Senger, 228-2659

Music Festival Association

Vicki Orobko, 228-2203

New Horizons Club

Carol Sego, 228-3981

Yvonne Weisner, 228-7435

Pat McCubbing, 228-3107


Kathy Thompson, 228-3585

Order of Eastern Star

Lorraine Wood, 228-2452

Quilting Club

Royal Canadian Legion

Ilene Martfeld, 228-9334

Mike Wildeman, 228-2137

Skating Club

Kristen Partington, 228-8437

St. Peter's CWL

Kim Ducherer, 228-9664

St. Peter's School

Kelvin Colliar, 228-4141

United Church

Sunday 11:00 a.m., 228-4595

United Church Women's Club

Muriel Barnett, 228-2735

Unity 4H

Corinne Van De Meutter, 228-3604

Unity and Area Home Educators

Janelle Ajayi, 228-3255

Unity and District Health Centre

General Information, 228-2666

Unity and District Ladies Auxiliary

Barb Jamieson, 228-2438

Unity Girl Guides

Michelle Pilat, 228-7375

Unity Composite High School

Ken Parker, 228-2657

Unity Heritage Museum

Pat Uzelman, 228-2225
Chris Martin, 228-4448

Unity Housing Authority

Unity Life Association

Steven Schwartz, 306-838-3919

Ron Koenig, 228-3243

Unity Minor Ball

Graeme Gieni 228-7994

Unity Minor FootBall

Pat Orobko, 228-2203

Unity Minor Hockey

Curtis McLean, 228-9317

Unity Motocross Club

Unity Public School

Karalyn Brown, 228-4177

Unity Soccer Club

Kristen Partington, 228-8437

Wellness Clinics

Heartland Health Homecare, 228-6288

Western Days

Terry Smith, 228-3520

Wildlife Federation

Frank Kondratowicz, 228-3684